UPS Today

Local Man Wins Carrot Eating Competition For the Third Time

John Smith recently won the National Carrot Eating Competition of the UPS for the third time, this Tuesday at 4pm. It was met with wild applause, and a massive carrot celebration at the local 'Carrot Cafe'. This popular cafe sees a 23% increase in customers during March, in the run up to Carrot week. International carrot day rakes place on the 4th of April every year. This is the day of John's carrot eating competition. He was brought to the attention of the international media when he won the competition for the first time in 2017. He beat the previous record of carrot eating from Steve Mcdonald, by three-fold!!! He set this new record in a literally record breaking 27 carrots in 3 minutes, cut, peeled and skinned within that time.

I always knew he could do it, I would catch him at 2 in
the morning, in the garage just practicing. I'm so proud of him.

-Jane Smith (John's Wife)

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